Saturday, 29 November 2008

The New Car

So, this is my new car, a Smart Car Pulse. It's quite a change from the 6-seat Toyota MPV that I've owned for the last 7 years!

It's is quite a lot of fun, --- the ads say that you can get a tumble drier into the cargo space, but I'm not so sure. I am enjoying the semi-automatic transmission though (complete with gear-change paddles on the steering wheel).
Looking forward to 60 mpg.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


The snow we were warned of for last night came to nothing, really. There was a light covering at 5 a.m., but by 8 it was raining. Won't be much of a day, though - not convinced it will ever get light.

Worse than that, the Christmas shopping rush has started (aided by stores offering 20% reductions), so driving into Birmingham is fraught with more danger than usual!

The Family Fun Vehicle

Aged 11, and after 7 years of faithful service to me and a total of over 151,000 miles, the time has come for me to change cars. The Toyota Picnic that I've been using is far from a 'green' vehicle, so I've decided to look for something that will give me better fuel economy.

I've been researching and test-driving and made the decision yesterday - watch this space!