Friday, 24 December 2010

Happy Winterval

A couple of years ago Birmingham tried to Be overly politically correct and re-named the holiday period 'WINTERVAL' - they're still living down the embarrassment, but I rather liked it.


Sunday, 12 December 2010

Toptable, again

I note that Toptable continues not to publish anything but complimentary reviews. Of course, this means that its statistics are skewed too.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Computers (again)

I said in an earlier post that I'd changed my Internet provider. I AM finally getting decent download speeds, but I'll have to replace the nasty, cheap wireless router they provided for something that works more consistently.

However, part of today has been concerned with trying to get my website up and running on the new ISP - complicated by the fact that I've updated the software I was using and had (surprise, surprise) forgotten how to write websites anyway. Still, most of that has been overcome so WHY has it taken 2 hours for the ISP to update?

If you want a laugh, go here!