Thursday 27 August 2009

Floor & Food

Finished the floor on Sunday. Lots of moving and sorting of book-case contents, returning guitars to their proper homes, etc., (they have to make room for a new friend, too - an Ovation double-neck!). Hope the damp problem's solved.

Last night went to the Mash House in Brindley Place with friends. It was OK, but the gravy was clearly Bisto's best. Sausages we OK too, but not special (to be fair, this isn't an expensive place). The on to a bar which had a 'Wednesday Special' on bottles of wine. Oh dear!


Be said...

Cosmic - came home from Frenchieland and found the house upside down. Paul had more insulation blown in which resulted in things being turned upside down and coated in plaster dust. (sigh)

Hopefully things are straightening out chez vous.


Dr Bob said...

We're sorted, thanks -- but moving cupboards & stuff takes so much time. Still nice to have my music/dining room back (to celebrate, bought a new guitar!)

Off to San Francisco on Saturday...