Friday 18 September 2009

And back ...

Well, I finally believe that San Francisco has fog! Had a fantastic trip - worth the 10½-hour flight. Weather was wonderfully sunny (apart from one afternoon - unfortunately the one when we were walking in Muir Woods) but quite windy at times.

Some decent food too -- though the notion that the Michelin Guide uses the same standards for everywhere it assesses is, clearly, false. Food was good - but not great- in 2* restaurants and the service was adequate (but you can do better in Birmingham!).

Went to the Napa valley on a wine-tasting trip (I still don't really like Californian wines, I've tried, really I have) which was fun (and HOT) and saw the Coastal Giant Redwood trees in Muir Woods.

1 comment:

Be said...

Glad you made it home safely!

To be honest, I think that a lot of CA wines are kind of overrated, and certainly not the best value for the money (and I'm not just saying this because I come from rich, but overlooked wine territory).

As for restaurant/other guides, what about a Bob's guide? You must have *oodles* of free time now that the last project's taken care of. (snort)