Monday 4 January 2010

Happy New Year

It really feels like 2010 now, since work has started again!

Over the Xmas break I moved my 'study' from the big spare bedroom to the small one at the front of the house (partly to get away from the noise of my neighbour's lawn-mowing - from March to October he mows every day that he can and NOW he's got a ride-on mower!). During the move I came across these scary pics:

This first one dates from 1989 and is of me singing at a folk concert in Redditch - the same bill as Carthy and Swarbrick, no less!

This (more bizarre, I think) picture is taken on my fortieth birthday on the narrowboat that we then owned (the toque was my present). I remember this day really well. I still worked for the local electricity supply company and we'd just spent the afternoon cruising through a thunderstorm, watching the lightning destroying the power lines - and there were no mobile phones, so they couldn't get in touch with me!

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