Wednesday 15 April 2009

Oh --- the good news ...

Harvested the first asparagus of the season from the garden yesterday (probably 2 weeks earlier than I expected) - fantastic!
I think that it's something to do with slow growth and the short season, but there's nothing to compare with English asparagus (and I've eaten asparagus in many countries and on 3 continents). Hoping there'll be enough so I can get bored with it!


Be said...

Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.

Strawberries were destroyed either by pigeons or by squirrels. Fiddleheads (fern sprouts - kind of like asparagus) are *very* late this year.

Dr Bob said...

The squirrels here wouldn't do that, so I suspect pigeons -- My solution is to suspend old CDs from strings over the plot - the constant movement & reflections seem to work well and there's no noise to annoy neighbours. Or you could use netting, of course.

Good luck with the produce!


Be said...

I'm wondering if it might not be an opossum. We've got them in the neighborhood and they're pretty darn destructive.

Planted lettuce and tomatoes the other day, still standing! (Hopefully they will be tomorrow when I have time to try out the CD thing). Thanks for the advice.