Sunday 1 March 2009

A Sunny Weekend

The weather has been unusually clement for the end of February/start of March. The sun has shone and the temperature has reached double-figures.

This weekend, I've finally straightened the edge of the big lawn and put in some permanent edging (a job made a lot more difficult by the fact that some previous owber seems to have buried a lot of masonry underthe edge of the lawn). Never mind, it's finished now. I've also prepared the 'old' vegetable garden for sowing to grass.

Our DTR (Digital Television Recorder) decided to die yesterday and - even though it was 51 weeks old - we managed to get a refund and replace it with something a bit better!

Otherwise, life goes on -- but we'll be in Sète in 5 weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I envy you with your early garden work. Probably will not have warmer weather around Buffalo until the end of the month.

The Irish groups around here plan a large parade on a weekend around March 17 (St.Patricks Day) so it is sort of traditional that everyone expects a major snowstorm at that time.